Hello. What would you like to know about me? Something that defines me . . . sets me apart from the rest? I fear I will disappoint! I have lived a life that is not remarkable. It has had great highs and terrible lows and is no more extraordinary than yours. I came to professional photography later in life and have grasped the opportunity not only with both hands but have wrapped my legs around it too in order not to get shaken off along the way! I photograph people. I love the story because, behind all of the facade is a person with a story like yours, like mine.
I shoot live shows and costume portraiture, and enjoy the involvement with performers at their peak. But I often wondered what happens once that peak recedes, after you are forced, through age or injury, to dance your final piece, run your final race. I too found a second career later in life, enabling me to understand the emotions and pitfalls of reinvention. So my interest is in reinvention; that human ability to open a further chapter in our lives.